Monthly Archives: April 2017

Forthcoming Events.

Summer Celebration June 27th.

Our two Guest Poets for this event are Danielle Hope and Michael Loveday. Find out about them and read their poems on the Poetrypf website at


Poetry Chez Jane Knight

To prevent withdrawal symptoms, a group of us will be reading poems together at Jane’s house on April 11th. Thanks for inviting us.

The Ripley Poetry Prize 2017

To celebrate Bristol artist Steve Wright’s seminal work `Cars` at Ripley’s Gallery 9th May -16th June 2017, Bromley Art Council’s inaugural poetry competition is launched.

Poems inspired by Steve’s art exhibition to be written on any of the following three themes:

The suspended moment

Anthropomorphism – the car as character

The force of gravity

Please submit your poem to, with the subject heading ‘Poetry Competition’ and include your full name. The deadline for submission is 20th May 2017. Entry fee: £3 per poem. Please pay by cash or send a cheque payable to Bromley Arts Council to the Ripley Arts Centre or pay via BACs to: Nat West Bank, Sort Code: 60-04-02 A/C 42272858 stating your surname and ‘poetry’ as a reference.

Judges : Fellows of The Royal Society of Arts

First prize £100 and Runner up prize £50 to be awarded at the celebration on 16th June 7pm.


‘Cars’ by Steve Wright

Steve Wright CARS paintings and drawings by Steve Wright 8th May to 16th June 2017 RIPLEY ARTS CENTRE

Steve Wright CARS paintings and drawings by Steve Wright 8th May to 16th June 2017 RIPLEY ARTS CENTRE

At Ripley Arts Centre, 24 Sundridge Avenue, Bromley BR1 2PX

9th May -16th June 2017 visiting times 9am to 4pm Weekdays

Saturdays 9am to 12, for evening viewing Tel: 020 8464 5816

Vivienne Vermes

Some members may remember that she read for us at the Summer Celebration together with Angela Kirby. This is a the video she put on Facebook.

Here is the link to the original Facebook post:

Last Meeting. Poems by Yevgeny Yevtushenko and Wislawa Szymborska

This was held on March 28th. and people came full of enthusiasm, particularly for the poetry of Wislawa Syymborska though the work of both poets was appreciated. Several people had copies of the Penguin edition of Yevgeny Yevtushenko’s work dating from the 1960’s when his popularity was at its height.

Wislawa Syymborska

Wislawa Syymborska

Before the ‘read-round’, Ann Barlow filled us in with the two poets’ biographies and achievements which were considerable. Wislawa Szymborska received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1996. Little did we know at the time of our meeting that Yevgeny Yevtushenko was to die a few days later on April 1st. at the age of 84.



We were delighted to see Jane Sharp at this meeting. looking very well after a long period of illness. We were also very pleased to hear Jane’s poem from The Valley Press Anthology of Yorkshire Poetry. Too modest to read it herself, the poem was read by Isabel Turvey.

Reading at Beechmore Court March 16th.

Muriel Letman, Patsy Paine, Ruth Smith and Nola Turner had a good reception when they shared a programme of recited poetry with the residents of Beechmore Court.

Rosemary Pratt, a past member is now a resident at the Home and it was good to chat with her and some of the other residents.

Beechmore Court

AGM March 14th. 2017

Three meetings have been held since the end of February including our AGM on March 14th. This was particularly well attended and conformed to the usual format of Officers’ reports and the election of a committee. As Diane Chorley had come to the end of her three year term as President, Ruth Smith, the former Vice President, was inaugurated to take over that role. Nola Turner became Vice President in her place. Jane Knight took over from Muriel Letman as Treasurer and Isabel Turvey took over from Mavis Robinson as Secretary. The Membership Secretary, Christine Pope, has kept the office and told us that although we have lost members for various reasons we have acquired new ones and our total membership remains the same. We were very pleased to have a full committee and grateful to those who had already served.

Special thanks and a gift was given to Diane Chorley for all her efforts on our behalf with appreciation given for her gift of instantly connecting with people.

After the meeting, Jim Lord from the Avenues Group addressed the Circle. The Avenues assists people with learning disabilities or who have other complex needs. Two of us had already volunteered to help on a short project and one member also offered her services.

Penge Poetry Festival

Sent from Chris O’Shaughnessy.

Here is a copy of the Penge Festival Poetry Competition Guidelines.
Please ask to have this uploaded this onto the Shortlands Poetry Circle
website. The competition is open to the whole of London this year,
which includes Greater London.

The entry fee for up to three poems is still £3.00. The entry address
has changed though so previous entrants need note this. We are having
an additional new prize: a Young Poet’s Prize of £50 and a book of
Walter de la Mare’s poetry. Entrants for this must be 18 or under and
write their age and poem title(s) on the sealed envelope containing
their name and contact details. All is explained the guidelines.

The poetry awards will be given after my talk on Friday June 16 at the
Bridge House Theatre. Giles will again present the prizes. Again all
information is given on the Entry Guidelines.

We do hope a lot of your members send entries.

Penge Poetry Festival